Monday, December 31, 2012

Day II

On this day, Kate walked to school, having woken up an hour earlier than usual.
It was a pleasant spring morning.

Kate enjoyed the tweets of the birds in the trees. It wasn't until she met Jack that she felt a bit uneasy about her day ahead.

"Hi Kate, here's your lunch" Jack said, like he was becoming accustomed to.

"Jack, get this trough your head. Me & you are never going to happen"

They walked in silence for the rest of the length to school. It had become a ritual, a dance that the two of them shared in order to disguise their sexual tension for each other.

At school thousands of thoughts ran trough her head. Kate was usually stressed about everything from her non-existent romantic life to her overachieving academic life.

At lunch, she was hurdled between two piles of books, trying to study while eating simultaneously.

"Don't you think you study too hard?" Jack asked with a smile on his face as he sat down at her table.

"I have to study because there is a test tomorrow"

"So, you have tons of books."

"There are other tests!"

After a while of eating the peanut butter & jelly sandwich that Kate had rejected Jack realized that there was a certain thing that Kate had missed.

"You do realize we have a test this afternoon"

Kate did not notice from her sheer panic, but Jack put a sinister smirk on his face.

"A test?! I completely forgot...dammit"

"Yeah it's a shame"

"I just wish I could've had more time, yesterday!"

Jack lifted his right arm in the air and looked at Kate.

"As you wish!" He said as he snapped his fingers.

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